2014 Goals

My hard number goals for the year are:
1. Complete CAM 2014 (and manage to keep the picnic weekend free so I can attend it)
2. Finish my 366 Calendar Challenge. Should be done on March 10th except for one stranded day December 19th
3. Find a November 2000 cache to finish off the Jasmer Challenge. -- completed March 8th
4. Finish the PA DeLorme -- Finished all the pages March 7th. Now just to hike and find it.
Soft number goals
1. Add more of the North East States. I would love to get all of them filled in
2. Get on the water and find some paddle caches now that I have the kayaks
3. More hikes!
4. More Counties - Starting at 298 and it would be awesome to put up another 100 but even getting a few dozen would be good.
5. Can I log 4 Mega events this year? Time will tell but the list of possibles are; ASP GeoBash, GeoWoodstock, Block Party, Hatfield & Macoy, Hampton Roads, & Going Caching (in Rome GA)