Friday, August 31, 2012

2012 Goals - Sept 1 Update

The summer just flew by and a lot of caching has happened in that time. Some new goals have been added, some have been smashed, and some may not be as important. So here is where we stand at the end of August.

My hard number goals for the year are

1. Complete CAM 2012 - Found all the caches and attended the picnic with PaddleAway.
2. Hit total find count of 2000 with a stretch goal of 2500 - 1600 currently. ~400 caches to go in 4 months. There hasn't been any really high volume caching days this summer.
3. Get to 200 found days of the year - Now at 216. Working on the 100 day streak blew this one out of the water. Making it to the 250 or higher mark will be no trouble at all.
4. Keep my hide count to find count at least at 1 to 100 - 30 hidden to 1600 for a ratio of 1.9%
5. Get finds in my other 10 MD counties I am missing - 7 counties to go.
6. Pennsylvania Delorme Challenge - I was at around 35 pages complete until the ASP GeoBash in May, a road trip in June to Pittsburgh and NEPA and then another one day blitz in August. I now have 8 pages left to go. A cluster of 4 in the very north east and a cluster of 4 in the south east.
7. Get a 100 Day streak to qualify for the various challenges - 100 consecutive days with finds from 04/25/2012 to 08/02/2012

Soft number goals

1. Fill in more of the 2000 and 2001 months that I am missing - I picked up State Game Lands in Erie for my September 2000 and The Spot in New York for the May 2000 slots. I also picked up the last of my 2001 caches while In Pittsburgh in June. That leaves me with June, July, August, October, November 2000 to go.
2. Add more of the North East States - No trips
3. Get on the water and find some paddle caches now that I have the kayaks - Found 4 paddle caches. Two different trips out with two finds.
4. More hikes! - I decided to complete the Top 10 Fulfillment challenge in June and racked up 3 different hikes in a week. At ASP GeoBash we hunted all the night caches that were available as well as making the hike to State Game Lands. The Spot and Jump Off were two great hikes with PaddleAway.
5. Captain John Smith Trail: Finish it and visit more of them - Didn't make any headway here
6. Dig through the ? caches around and find the ones that are challenges rather than puzzles and find the ones I qualify for and work on the ones I don't - Rate Your Favorite, Looking the Wrong Way, VPDJ's 2.5 and 5 mile clear out, The 3 10-10-10 challenges 10 types, 10 counties/day and 10 days in a row, The Top ten fulfillment challenge, Riddlers Revenge, Play Ball and Varrezat udhëtimi were all found. I also have all the 100 days challenges now on my list to go hunt as well as some complete the whole month challenges.
7. Find a 5/X and a X/5 cache or few - Found Psycho Urban Cache #8 - Ghost in Ancient Citadel, Marsh Maple, Roanoke Sound P&G, Sunshine & Sandy Bottoms, and Silver Island. 4 paddle caches and one of the most awesome multi-caches I have experienced.