Wednesday, February 1, 2012 DIY Micro Cache

This is a video from on how to make a micro cache container from recycled parts.

The only bit of added information I will share is an improved version of this. I do not remember what show or webpage I saw it on but it was suggested that instead of glue that you use an old soldering iron to melt the plastic together. by melting it instead of using glue the seal should last much longer. If I remember where I saw that first I will be sure to post an update to this entry.

2012 Goals - Feb 1 Update

My hard number goals for the year are

1. Complete CAM 2012 (and manage to keep the picnic weekend free so I can attend it) - 1.5 months until kick off.
2. Hit total find count of 2000 with a stretch goal of 2500 - January saw 15 finds 1228 total so not even 2% of the way to the goal. 1.78% with 771 to go of the 786. (1232 across all sites)
3. Fill in Feb 29th on the calendar
4. Get to 200 found days of the year - 5 new days filled in for 140. 7.7% done 6 days to go.
5. Keep my hide count to find count at least at 1 to 100 - 17 hidden to 1228 found for a 1.4% ratio. On all sites 26 to 1232 or 2.1%
6. Get a find that was hidden in Aug 04 and Sept 03
7. Get finds in my other 10 MD counties I am missing (hopefully during the CAM run)

Soft number goals

1. Fill in more of the 2000 and 2001 months that I am missing
2. Add more of the North East States
3. Get on the water and find some paddle caches now that I have the kayaks
4. More hikes! - We had a hike planned this month intending to pick up a number of caches for the GC2H6AW Mountain Trailmasters challenge cache but it snowed and we didn't think it a good idea to drag kids along a snowy, wet, muddy trail.
5. Captain John Smith Trail: Finish it and visit more of them
6. Dig through the ? caches around and find the ones that are challenges rather than puzzles and find the ones I qualify for and work on the ones I don't
7. Find a 5/X and a X/5 cache or few - Still no 5's in either column